The Greatest Journey
Biblical Truth. Practical Tools. Engaging Presentations.
Whether you’re planning to experience The Greatest Journey online as an individual or couple, or as a live event for your staff or entire church, we’ll provide interactive, biblical teaching, along with practical tools to help you…
- Identify and uproot bitterness and unforgiveness.
- Understanding your family of origin and key sources of pain growing up.
- Find healing and restoration from rejection and abuse.
- Expose and replace toxic lies and emotions.
- Stand confidently in your identity as a child of God.
- Break free from cycles of rage, fear, depression, anxiety, and shame.
- Learn how to confront pain and offenses in a biblical, hope-filled way.
- Stay free from ongoing offenses and hurts.
Live Events
We’ve presented dozens of day seminars and encounter weekends over the past decade in many different types of churches.
“The Greatest Journey has helped every area of my life…my marriage, my prayer life, even the way I’m serving on the worship team. It helped me heal from wounds in my soul that I didn’t know were there. It helped me to really understand my wife better, it helped her understand me better, and it healed us in a way that we were able to process and deal with disagreements in a healthy way.”
“Before I came to the encounter weekend, I was really struggling with hearing the Lord. I wasn’t hearing what He has to say to me. So when we got further along, talking about repentance, I had to just repent for believing the lies I’d believed that I wasn’t worthy of God’s love, being ashamed of my past, and not believing what He says about me. As soon as I truly repented, it just started flowing. I started hearing God like I’ve never heard Him before. He showed me a picture of an eagle flying through the sky and told me, ‘Now that you’ve repented, you’re free!’ It was just awesome. I’ve never felt a love like that before.”
“I had a lot of childhood traumas and I tried different things. I’d been through deliverance ministries and altar calls where you would leave your grievance there and walk away with forgiveness. I had done a lot of things, but The Greatest Journey changed something in my ability to forgive my mom. I hadn’t been able to in 34 years. I did The Greatest Journey and I walked away different. I was truly able to leave it all there. It was hard but so fruitful. Last year, I celebrated my first Mother’s Day where I didn’t have a grievance in my heart towards my biological mom, and it was so good!”
“This was the best course I’ve taken in my life. It has helped me take inventory of my soul and deal with stuff I thought I’d never overcome.”
“As I’ve walked The Greatest Journey over the past few months, God has done a great thing in my heart. Me and my husband used to have a really hard time getting along and communicating because of all the pain we both went through growing up. I’ve learned where that pain came from, the root of bitterness in my own heart, even towards my husband. And for the firs time in a very long time, my heart was able to break for my husband, even though he put me through a lot of pain from cheating on me and having a very abusive relationship. My heart was able to break for him because of the immense physical abuse, emotion, and even sexual abuse he went through as a kid. I would highly recommend everyone take this course…just, for freedom, for reconciliation between you and your spouse, you and your kids, or you and your parents. Honestly, I’ve been a Christian for a very long time, and I told my husband a couple weeks ago, ‘Man, this is what I’ve been waiting for.’ …this freedom that I’ve been craving. I feel like I’ve acquired it, and I have the tools to keep going.”
“I’ve been re-listening to the Greatest Journey online, and the Lord has once again pointed out the area of infection. I realized we can put lots of good ideas/theology/verses in our minds, but without repentance, there can be no ultimate healing. Thank you for the time and effort you spent ministering to our family, whether it was teaching encounters, preparing sermons, or just showing the love of the Father in brief interactions here or there. It has already shown itself to have generational impact in our family.”
“I decided to start The Greatest Journey a couple months ago. I was suffering from rejection and I didn’t know the depth of the unforgiveness I had in my heart. It was leading me into a death trap. I slowly began to learn how to forgive. I could feel it working in my heart, and as I slowly began to forgive, it led me to a world of freedom, releasing me from strongholds and heavy chains I’d been carrying around for decades. In the last 40 years, I’ve never felt the happiness I’ve felt the last couple weeks”
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