The Greatest Journey Course Guide
A full-color companion resource to the online video series The Greatest Journey with 7 relationship assessments, 7 personal discovery exercises, thought-provoking, short answer questions throughout each session, and practical tools to help you understand and walk out biblical principles of healing and restoration in your most important relationships.
The Greatest Journey
FREE Videos

Encounter With The King
A young man’s search for freedom ends very different than he imagined in this adventure allegory, our most popular book to date. Find yourself face-to-face with who Jesus really is and what your heavenly Father is saying over your life.
It’s the perfect companion book to The Greatest Journey and includes a bonus chapter at the end with interactive questions and a creative exercise designed to bring you into a personal encounter with your heavenly Father.

Turning the Hearts
of the Fathers
True stories of family transformation that will ignite your hope and inspire you to believe God’s promises to heal and restore what is broken in your family.
Follow transformational moments in the lives of 7 different families as they journey towards Christ-centered healing. Each story is based on real events and conversations that capture the unique ways God brings His children into freedom in Christ.